We provide specialised support to help women heal from traumatic experiences, including women who are survivors of gender-based violence. All offered by an in-house female clinical psychologist. Weekly art therapy is provided facilitated by a clinical psychologist, and guided around self-expression and topics in psychoeducation, making it a valuable tool to express realities and ideas without using words. In addition, weekly trauma-informed yoga is provided to offer a safe, supportive space in which women can learn emotional regulation skills through connection with the breath and increased body awareness. This is provided as a regular drop-in class by a clinical psychologist, who has specialised in this area of yoga, and its synergies with post-traumatic healing and recovery. 

Individual counselling is offered for women who are referred by the case worker (based on informed consent) and women who self-refer. Regular sessions are scheduled and a female interpreter is made available. In addition we provide case management, which is a structured method for organising and carrying out work to address a woman’s needs in an appropriate, systematic and timely manner, through direct support and/or referrals.